KHR Architecture søger bygningskonstruktørpraktikanter
KHR Architecture
KHR Architecture søger bygningskonstruktørpraktikanter
KHR Architecture

Bygningskonstruktørpraktikanter til efterårssemesteret 2024

[English version below]

Vi er en innovativ tegnestue, som anvender de nyeste værktøjer, metoder og softwareløsninger til at løse vores mange opgaver. I øjeblikket arbejder vi med en række forskellige større og mindre projekter i både ind- og udland, bl.a. hospitals-, skole-, erhvervs- og boligprojekter, som du vil have mulighed for at stifte nærmere bekendtskab med.

Vi kan tilbyde dig:

  • et praktikophold på en af landets ældste tegnestuer, hvor du vil indgå i et projektteam på lige fod med et hold af vores faglige dygtige medarbejdere.
  • høj grad af medbestemmelse og involvering i tegnestuens mange spændende arbejdsopgaver og processer.
  • mulighed for at bruge din viden fra studiet i praksis i forbindelse med tegnestuens projekter.
  • mulighed for at få indblik i arbejdet med bygherrerådgivning, da tegnestuen også har en afdeling for bygherrerådgivning.
  • udsigt over vandet, lækker frokostordning samt sociale og faglige arrangementer.

Vi forventer at du:

  • er ansvarlig, engageret og selvtænkende.
  • besidder gode samarbejdsevner.
  • har et godt kendskab til projektering i Revit.
  • er flydende på enten dansk eller engelsk - ideelt set på begge sprog

Vores tegnestue er beliggende i det historiske og naturskønne Holmen, der også er kendt for sit kreative studiemiljø. Praktikopholdet er på 37 timer om ugen inklusive en betalt frokostpause og gratis frokost.

Er du interesseret, så send dit CV og portfolio ved at klikke på ANSØG NU knappen. Har du spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte konstruktør Mads Sydow på mail eller telefon +45 2427 4503.

English version:

Architectural technologist interns 

We are an innovative architectural company that uses the latest tools, methods and software solutions to solve our many projects. We are currently working on a variety of large and small projects, including hospital, school, commercial and residential projects, which you will have the opportunity to become more familiar with.

We offer you:

  • an internship at one of the country's leading design firms, where you will become part of a project team with skilled colleagues
  • a high degree of participation and involvement in the our projects and processes
  • the opportunity to put your knowledge from your studies into practice in the context of the KHR projects
  • the opportunity to gain insight into the work with client consultancy, as our company also has a client consultancy department
  • a view over the water, free lunch and regular social and professional events.

We expect you to:

  • be responsible, committed and a self-starter.
  • possess good interpersonal skills.
  • have a good knowledge of design in Revit.
  • have good level of either English or Danish, ideally both.

Our architecture studio is located in the historic and scenic Holmen, which is also known for its creative studio environment. The internship is 37 hours per week including a paid lunch and lunchbreak.

If you are interested, please send your CV by clicking on the APPLY NOW button. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mads Sydow at or +45 2427 4503.

About KHR Architecture

KHR Architecture is an independent architecture studio delivering consultancy services across all areas of the architectural profession, always with a strong commitment to professional integrity. Our primary focus areas include educational and healthcare buildings, residential and commercial projects, as well as client advisory services. No matter the project, we place people at the center to create inspiring and innovative architecture that lasts.

With over 75 years of experience, KHR is one of Denmark’s oldest architecture studios. Throughout the years, we have led numerous award-winning and renowned projects, including the Copenhagen Metro, Sct. Hans New Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, and the University of Copenhagen’s Amager Campus.

We deliver projects in Denmark, Greenland, Norway, and Germany and have recently become part of the international Pini Group, opening doors to exciting opportunities in new markets.

Today, our approximately 70 employees and consultants are based in the historic Kanonbådshuse on Holmen in Copenhagen.

Read more and see a selection of our projects at 

Strong social life
Lunch included
Work-life balance